Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Mother 1957

This is my beautiful mother Carol Grace her senior yr. She is an awesome lady. My mother is what every mother should be. She was a stay at home mom of 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys. She was like a June Clever type mom. The house always smelled like Pine Sol when you came home from school. Cookies were always made. She never raised her voice at us. She has never smoked, drank, or said an ill word to anyone. Always there no matter what the problem was. I hope I can be 1/2 the mom she is.

Having lost her husband(my dad) and was left 5 children to take care of, I would have to put her up there next to a Saint! I wonder now that I'm married with children how she ever got through those days. My father was a hard that help when he passed away, because she was able to take care of us, and not have to go out and work for a living with 5 children, instead she was able to continue to stay at home with her kids. I'm sure this lifted a heavy burden on her in such a difficult time.

She got re-married many yrs. later and still is to this day. She is not only a great mother but a wonderful grandmother now to 29+ grandchildren and great grandchildren.

(I think in this pictures she looks like a Hollywood movie star..Thank God she wasn't though.)

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