Thursday, January 24, 2008

Emmie 1930

This is My 'pony" grandfathers sister (my mothers aunt) Emmie. I don't know about her personally, but from what my mom told me, she married her high school sweetheart which later got killed in the war. She got re-married many years later to a banker and they had 2 children together named Carl and Elizabeth. She died at age 68!

My mom said she was a quit person and to herself, so my mom never got real close to her as an aunt. When she got re-married she married into wealth (a bankers family)and moved off to NY. They didn't see much of her after she moved.

**remember you can click any of these pictures to enlarge them**


Alexis Jacobs said...

These pictures are way too cool. Keep them coming!

Jennifer said...

thanks alexis..I'm wondering if your the only one checking these out:) I have many keep checking back